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Breakthroughs Abounding – Pathways to Empowered Living




Universal Sphere® 1:1 Session – $124.44

The Universal Sphere® is an energetic holistic, alternative wellness tool that provides techniques to support you with your emotional, mental, and physical health, as well as your spiritual wellness. 

The Universal Sphere® is a simple and effective tool that will help you to connect to the higher vibrational Solution Energy that has the potential of shifting and changing any current situation or state of wellness. It will also increase your energetic/vibrational alignment which reduces stress and enhances your mental and health well-being.

Click on the image (to the left) for more information and/or to book your session! 

The Akashic Records 1:1 Session – $174.44

The Akashic Records are the energetic full and complete records of your entire Soul’s experiences.  This includes everything you have ever thought, said, and did throughout all your lifetimes. 

It has also been described as your etheric filing cabinet in the Universe that contains your entire records.  The Akashic Records have also been known by other names, such as the ‘Book of Life.’

Through an Akashic Records session, you can access this information, wisdom, and knowledge to support you in the NOW.

Click on the image (to the right) for more information and/or to book your session! 

Usui Reiki / Violet Flame Reiki Session – $174.44

Usui Reiki is an ancient form of energetic healing that allows the practitioner to channel Universal Source Energy through their hands to another person as a way of balancing and optimizing a person’s mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing. 

Reiki supports the energy flow in our bodies and can move stagnant or stuck energy, and help keep our energy flowing.  When our energy is flowing property, miracles can happen in all areas of our life.

Violet Flame Reiki helps balance out the masculine energies of the Usui Reiki by bringing in more of the feminine energies, including those of Lady Quan Yin (The Goddess of Compassion).  With the additional symbols provided for in the Violet Flame Reiki, the Reiki session can be even more powerful in insights, energetic healing, and releasing of stuck energy, all with the common goal of balancing out the energy flow within the body.  

Click on the image (to the left) for more information and/or to book your session! 




Elizabeth has spent the past 20+ years working with some of the top experts in the field to develop and enhance her skills as a facilitator, coach, practitioner, and spiritual energy healer.  She specializes in working with her clients utilizing the Universal Sphere®, Akashic Records, Infinity Oracle Cards, Usui Reiki, and Radical Forgiveness (concepts that are “radically” different from the mainstream).

This particular combination enables Elizabeth to support her clients in unlocking powerful results, wisdom, and insights through releasing old energy, issues, and freeing themselves from their identification with “victim-oriented” stories in this lifetime and past lifetime(s). Miracles have happened for her and now she is ready to create these for you too! 

Clients have also come to Elizabeth to receive support in their Ascension process; raising their vibrations and frequencies, connecting directly to the Unified Field, Field of Infinite Possibilities, and Solution Energy to assist in the re-remembering process of who we are at a Soul level and thus allowing that which no longer supports us to simply fall away.  

The Modalities:

Akashic Records provide the optimal environment to access the Soul’s wisdom and receive transformational information. Through Elizabeth’s advanced training, she can also clear and transmute almost all emotions, beliefs, energies and patterns that are no longer serving you in any area(s) of your current life from any lifetime. 

Universal Sphere® empowers an individual to journey into the Unified Field where they can re-connect with Source, with Divine Love, and start re-remembering their Soul spark. Also, connecting with multidimensional ‘Solution Energy’ brings in a whole new buffet of options and choices to choose from, providing results to outstanding issues or situations that are well beyond what the mind can think of.

Usui Reiki is an ancient form of energetic healing that allows the practitioner to channel Universal Source Energy through their hands to another person as a way of balancing and optimizing a person’s mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing.  Reiki supports the energy flow in our bodies and can move stagnant or stuck energy, and help keep our energy flowing.  When our energy is flowing property, miracles can happen in all areas of our life. 

Violet Flame Reiki helps balance out the masculine energies of the Usui Reiki by bringing in more of the feminine energies, including those of Lady Quan Yin (The Goddess of Compassion).  With the additional symbols provided for in the Violet Flame Reiki, the Reiki session can be even more powerful in insights, energetic healing, and releasing of stuck energy, all with the common goal of balancing out the energy flow within the body.   

Let Elizabeth, an award-winning Coach, Facilitator, Universal Sphere® Instructor / Practitioner, Akashic Records Reader / Energetic Healer, Usui Reiki Master, Violet Flame Reiki Master, Radical Living Master Coach, and International Best-Selling Author, create Miracles for you!


 Elizabeth Macarthur
Your Universal Sphere® Instructor / Practitioner 

Advanced Akashic Records Reader / Energetic Healings / Clearings
Usui Reiki Master / Violet Flame Reiki Master / Infinity Card Reader /
Radical Living Master Coach

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